Shamans who they are

  • Ayahuasca Cusco
  • Ayahuasca in Cusco
  • Ayahuasca Peru
  • Ayahuasca ceremony cusco
  • ayahuasca Ritual
  • Ayahuasca Peru

Shamans who they are - Ayahuasca Cusco

We work only with genuine, professional Shamans, descendants from the ancient Inca people. They don’t even live mainly in the cities, our healers live in Andean countryside villages and jungle tribes which keep the old ways alive. Read here to know better who they are. Ayahuasca in Cusco. Ayahuasca ceremony.


Our Amazonian medicine men have received the millenary knowledge about the Ayahuasca and San Pedro (Wachuma) mystical plants from their fathers who in turn were Shamans and so on to many generations before. They belong to tribes of master healers like the Shipibos, Machiguengas and Ashaninkas, whom, throughout the centuries, have completely learned the complex ways of the sacred plants.

Now our Andean healers have in turn inherited the ancient medicinal knowledge of tribes like the Qeros and the Ausangate. They are specialized in the following shamanic techniques:

The Amazonian-Andean, that is, Peruvian mysticism holds that the entirety of nature is permeated by subtle energies, masculine and womanly. Male subtle energy appears for example in the sacred mountains (Apus) and the San Pedro cactus. Female energy is inside the Pachamama (Mother Earth) and also the Ayahuasca. Another instance, the coca leaves are a medium which the Shaman uses to connect with the energies of Mother Earth. Ayahuasca in Cusco. Ayahuasca ceremony.

  • The master healers’ main purpose is to bring liberation, health, peace of mind, harmony, spiritual growth and lasting change to all those who need our services.
  • Keeping alive the traditional way of healing which developed in pre-Hispanic Andes and Amazon, based on plants and workings with the subtle energies.
  • Be the complement to conventional, scientific medicine and psychology. Actually, our masters have cured diseases considered intractable by current Western science, both physical and mental ones. Shamans who they are.
  • Provide a completely safe, guaranteed, ceremony or retreat. Ayahuasca and San Pedro sessions must be done by experienced, expert Shamans and assistants. Unexperienced or even fake “healers” can totally lose control of the ceremony’s dynamics, which may result even in the death of the participant. Our treatments are properly licensed by the Peruvian Department of Health and our association is a certified, legal company. Ayahuasca in Cusco.

So, if you want to have an Ayahuasca or San Pedro ceremony or retreat, choose the safest, most professional, best team. Our Amazonian and Andean Shamans will certainly help you get where you want in psychospiritual liberation and evolution. Shamans who they are. Ayahuasca in Cusco. Ayahuasca ceremony.